Harms T, Lowman H, Blaszczak J, Cale A, Dong X, Earl S, Gaines-Sewell, L, Hanan EJ, Lauck M, Melack, J, Reinhold A, Summers B, Webster A (2025) Fire influence on land-water interactions in aridland catchments. BioScience. biae120
Zhao S, Krichels AH, Stephens E, Calma A, Aronson EL, Jenerette DG, Spasojevic MH, Schimel JP, Hanan EJ, Homyak PM. Nitrogen availability and changes in precipitation alter microbially-mediated N emissions from a Pinyon Juniper dryland. Global Change Biology. In Press.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.5061/dryad.mpg4f4r72
Ren J, Hanan EJ, D’Odorico P, Tague C, Schimel J, Homyak P (2024) Dryland watersheds in flux: how nitrogen deposition and changing precipitation regimes transform nitrogen export. Earth’s Future. 12(4): e2023EF004120.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/7QTXV
Ren J, Hanan EJ, Greene A, Tague C, Krichels AH, Burke WD, Schimel JP, Homyak PM (2024) Simulating the role of biogeochemical hotspots in driving nitrogen export from dryland watersheds. Water Resources Research. 60(3):e2023WR036008.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/UKPJG
Strain MK, Brady M, Hanan EJ (2024) Expanding our understanding of nitrogen dynamics after fire: how severe fire and aridity reduce ecosystem nitrogen retention. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 33(9): WF23191.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/JE7QM
Krichels AH, Greene AC, Stephens EZ, Zhao S, Hanan EJ, Schimel JP, Aronson EL, Homyak PM (2024) Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on dryland soil organic carbon storage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 196: 109482
⇒ Data: DOI 10.5061/dryad.xpnvx0kp0
Ren J, Hanan EJ, Hicke JA, Abatzoglou JT, Kolden CA, Tague C, Bart R, Liu M, Adam J (2023) Bark beetle effects on fire regimes depend on underlying aridity-productivity gradients in semiarid systems. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES). 15(1): e2022MS003073.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/HWMXP
Püspök JF, Zhao S, Calma AC, Vourlitis G, Allison SD, Aronson AA, Schimel JP, Hanan EJ, Homyak PM. (2023) Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on dryland soil organic carbon storage. Global Change Biology. 29(6): 1660-1679.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/W78VD
Katz LJ, Lewis G, Krogh S, Drake S, Hanan EJ, Hatchett B, Harpold A (2023) Antecedent snowpack cold content alters the hydrologic response to extreme rain-on-snow events. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 24(10): 1825-1846.
⇒ Data: https://www.hydroshare.org/resource/37a54dd09d05415ab446c9521ce0286c/
Hanan EJ, Kennedy M, Ren J, Johnson M., Smith A (2022) Missing climate feedbacks in fire models: limitations and uncertainties in fuel loadings and the role of decomposition in fine fuel accumulation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES). 14(3): e2021MS002818.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/ZJSBV
Brady MK, Hanan EJ, Dickinson MB, Miesel JR, Wade L, Greenberg J, Ewel C (2022) How interactions between wildfire and seasonal soil moisture fluxes drive nitrogen cycling in Northern Sierra Nevada forests. International Journal of Wildland Fire 31(8): 786-798.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/PHARG
Brady MK, Dickinson MB, Miesel JR, Wonkka CL, Kavanagh KL, Lodge AG, Rogers WE, Starns HD, Tolleson DR, Treadwell ML, Twidwell D, Hanan EJ (2022) Soil Heating in Fire (SheFire): A model and measurement method for estimating soil heating and effects during wildland fires. Ecological Applications. e2627.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/HXYCT
Ren J, Hanan EJ, Abatzoglou JT, Kolden CA, Tague C, Kennedy M, Liu M, Adam J (2022) Projecting future fire regimes in semiarid systems: interactions among climate change, vegetation productivity, and fuel dynamics. Earth’s Future 10(3): e2021EF002518.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/AX45N
Shuman JK, Balch JK, Barnes RT, Higuera PE, Roos CI, Schwilk DW, Stavros EN, Banerjee T, Bela MM, Bendix J, Bertolino S, Bililign S, Bladon KD, Brando P, Breidenthal RE, Buma B, Calhoun D, Carvalho LMV, Cattau ME, Cawley KM, Chandra S, Chipman ML, Cobian-Iñiguez J, Conlisk E, Coop JD, Cullen A, Davis KT, Dayalu A, De Sales F, Dolman M, Ellsworth LM, Franklin S, Guiterman CH, Hamilton M, Hanan EJ, Hansen WD, Hantson S, Harvey BJ, Holz A, Huang T, Hurteau M, Ilangakoon NT, Jennings M, Jones C, Klimaszewski-Patterson A, Kobziar LN, Komi- noski J, Kosovic B, Krawchuk MA, Laris P, Leonard J, Loria-Salazar SM, Lucash M, Mahmoud H, Margolis E, Maxwell T, McCarty JL, McWethy DB, Meyer RS, Miesel JR, Moser WK, Nagy RC, Niyogi D, Palmer HM, Pellegrini A, Poulter B, Robertson K, Rocha AV, Sadegh M, Santos F, Scordo F, Sexton JO, Sharma AS, Smith AMS, Soja AJ, Still C, Swetnam T, Syphard AD, Tingey MW, Tohidi A, Trugman AT, Turetsky M, Varner JM, Wang Y, Whitman T, Yelenik S, Zhang X (2022) Reimagine Fire Science for the Anthropocene. Proceedings from the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Nexus. pgac115
Gustine B, Hanan EJ, Elliot W, Robichaud PR (2022) From burned slopes to streams: How wildfire affects nitrogen cycling and retention in forested watersheds. Biogeochemistry. 157: 51–68.
Hanan EJ, Ren J, Tague CL, Kolden C, Abatzoglou J, Bart R, Kennedy M, Liu M, Adam J (2021) How climate change and fire exclusion drive wildfire regimes at actionable scales. Environmental Research Letters 16(2): 4051.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/26X5R
Ren J, Adam J, Hicke JA, Hanan EJ, Tague C, Liu M, Kolden C, Abatzoglou JT (2021) How does water yield respond to mountain pine beetle infestation in a semiarid forest? Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS) 25: 4681–4699.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/NE4QU
Tague CL, Moritz M, Hanan EJ (2019) The Changing Water Cycle: The ecohydrologic impacts of forest density reduction in Mediterranean (seasonally dry) regions. Invited review for Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs) Water 6(4).
Hanan EJ, Tague CL, Choate J, Liu M, Kolden C, Adam J (2018) Accounting for disturbance history in models: using remote sensing to constrain carbon and nitrogen pool spin-up. Ecological Applications 28(5):1197-1214.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.1002/eap.1718
Goodridge B, Hanan EJ, Wetherley E, Aquilera R, Chen H, D’Antonio C, Melack J (2018) Responses and recovery of a chaparral watershed following wildfire. Ecosystems 21(8):1608-1622.
⇒ Data: http://sbc.lternet.edu//data/dataCollectionsPortal.html
Prior to 2018
Hanan EJ, Tague C, Schimel JP (2017) Nitrogen cycling and export in California chaparral: the role of climate in shaping ecosystem responses to fire. Ecological Monographs 87(1):76-90.
⇒ Data: DOI 10.1002/ecm.1234
Hanan EJ, Schimel JP, Dowdy K, D’Antonio CM (2016) Effects of substrate supply, pH, and char on net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification along a wildfire-structured age gradient in chaparral. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 95: 87-99.
Hanan EJ, D’Antonio CM, Roberts DA, Schimel JP (2016) Factors regulating nitrogen retention during the early stages of recovery from fire in coastal chaparral ecosystems. Ecosystems 19(5): 910-926.
⇒ Data: http://sbc.lternet.edu//data/index.html
Chen X, Emery N, Garcia E, Hanan EJ, Hodges H, Martin T, Meyers M, Peavey L, Peng H, Sainz-Santamaria J, Uyeda K, Anderson S, Tague C (2013) Perspectives on disconnects between science and management in post-fire treatment in the Western US. Environmental management 52(6): 1415-1426.
Hanan EJ, Ross MS, Ruiz PL, Sah JP (2010) Multi-scaled grassland-woody plant dynamics in the heterogeneous marl prairies of the southern Everglades. Ecosystems 13(8): 1256-1274.
Hanan EJ, Ross MS (2009) Across-scale patterning of plant-soil-water interactions surrounding tree islands in southern Everglades landscapes. Landscape Ecology 25(3): 463-476.
Ross MS, Ruiz PL, Sah JP, Hanan EJ (2009) Chilling damage in a changing climate in coastal landscapes of the sub-tropical zone: a case study from south Florida. Global Change Biology 15(7): 1817-1832.
Bakus GJ, Nishiyama G, Hajdu E, Mehta H, Mohammad M, Pinheiro U, Sohn S, Pham T, bin Yasin Z, Shau-Hwai T, Karam A, Hanan E (2007) A comparison of some population density sampling techniques for biodiversity, conservation, and environmental impact studies. Biodiversity Conservation 16: 2445-2455.